Case Study
Sonic Logo

The team at A-MNEMONIC were commissioned by Global Radio to create a unique audio identity for the travel brand ABTA.

ABTA have been a trusted travel brand for more than 65 years, offering advice and guidance to the travelling public, as well as leading the travel industry in supporting high service standards, working with their Members on health and safety, and promoting responsible tourism at home and abroad.

ABTA’s objectives are to offer support, protection and expertise of those looking to travel.  Along with the help of Global Radio, the travel brand went on the search for a music company who could capture their company values and unique personality using music.

A-MNEMONIC, who has a history of creating memorable music for advertising and television, was brought in with the task of realising ABTA’s vision and personality using sound.  

A-MNEMONIC began by analyzing the brand’s history, and understanding the company’s core values.  A sound that would say With you every step of the way, Travel with confidence, and Guiding trust.

With this in mind, A-MNEMONIC went into the studio to experiemt with various different sounds and ideas. 

The result was a theme that speaks to any audience, a theme that captures the unique soul of ABTA –  one core tune with a suite of different arrangements for each market. 




Global Radio


Stuart Hancock


Advertising, Radio, Mnemonics & Identity

Change Your Tune - ITV1